Monday, July 3, 2023

Descent - Suffered Remains


Today, I am delighted to present a music review that focuses on a captivating rock song entitled "Suffered Reminders" by the talented band, Descent. With its powerful composition and poignant lyrics, this track showcases the band's remarkable abilities and sets the stage for an unforgettable musical experience.

"Suffered Reminders" opens with a dynamic guitar riff that immediately grabs the listener's attention. The heavy distortion and gripping melodies create an intense atmosphere, setting the tone for the entire song. Descent's mastery of their instruments is evident from the outset, as they effortlessly deliver tight and well-coordinated instrumentals.

Fronted by a raw vocalist, the band delivers a raw and emotive performance that perfectly complements the raw energy of the music. The vocalist's passionate delivery brings energy to the listening experience, evoking a sense of longing and personal struggle within the listener.

One aspect that stands out in Descent's song is the impeccable production quality. Each instrument is distinct and well-balanced, allowing the listener to fully appreciate the intricacies of the composition. The crisp drumming and pulsating bassline provide a solid foundation while the guitar solos exhibit skillful craftsmanship, adding depth and complexity to the overall sound.

The strength of "Suffered Reminders" lies not only in its musicality but also in its ability to resonate with the audience.

For more info visit


  1. I love good metal music like this!

  2. You have an excellent voice. Harsh and in your face.

  3. Keep it up guys.
