Sunday, March 14, 2010

CD Review: Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

The Gorillaz new CD is finally here! I'd love to go through each song, which I literally could and explain every part I love or leave me wanting, but its just too much. 16 tracks people, its huge. I love it! Well worth the wait.
Gorillaz Plastic Beach is a real trip. It is somewhere in between classical, electronic, and jazz. It goes ethnic at points at others you think you are in a rave club. Overall it is a very interesting listen. These musicians are very talented and unique.

The overall theme of the album is what you might deduce from the title: a statement against rampant waste produced by our civilization. Almost every track deals with this issue in its own way. The styles vary from the rap of the second track to the crooning of 2D that we have become very used to in past Gorillaz albums, to some more soulful tracks that bridge the sound between the previous two. The album is exceptionally well constructed.

8 out of 10 stars

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